Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Just when you thought you'd heard it all...

Well, I hope that everyone had a great Memorial day weekend. I went home to Nashville and enjoyed some good times with my friends and family.

While I was home this weekend, as my dad was reading the Sunday paper, he shared an interesting story (it was local, so I am pretty sure most of yall have not heard this) with the group that has literally floored me, so I figured I would share it with any loyal readers (or passers by) of my weblog.

Apparently this mom (Anette Pharris) in Nashville decided to do something "special" for her sixteen year old boy's birthday party. This "special" thing has ended up getting a great number of people into a lot of "special" hot water.

Anette ( see article) decided that her son was "mature" for a sixteen year old ("age is just a number"), and thought it would be nice to hire a female stripper (Cassandra Joyce Park, a.k.a. "Sassy") to attend his sixteenth birthday bash. Not only was her son under age, but there were 10 others (out of 30, one of which was grandpa) that were there under the age of 18. Beyond the fact that I take issue with adult entertainment in general, there is the fact that there are laws. Her son cant get into the strip club (must be 18), but the mom apparently felt like it was legal for her to bring the strippers to him?

And if you dont think this is bad enough, it actually gets worse. The kids that were there took up a collection ($150), and as the mom left the room, they gave the collection to "Sassy" and requested that she fully disrobe. The public knows that she complied because the kids that were there had cameras and took pictures (one of the photographers was the 14 year old brother of the birthday boy). The mom actually took the film to a local drug store to have them developed, which I think is what actually started the investigation.

I wouldnt be as fired up about the whole thing (and believe me, hearing the story I was already pretty fired up), if the mom hadnt actually quoted a biblical text to try and defend (I guess this was an attempt at a defense) her actions ("Let he who is without sin cast the first stone").

As the smoke clears, indictments are being handed out left and right.

Friday, May 27, 2005

T.G.I.F. OR "Its the Freakin' Weekend Baby, and Im ready to have me some fun..."

(A-Dog, that subtitle is for you bro)

Okay, I have been a little on the more controversial/deep thought end of the spectrum the last couple of days...I considered not even writing a post today (I am pretty busy at work for a change), but I am so obsessive about writing at least one a day during the week, and it is about to be a three day weekend so I wont have access again until next Tuesday...I felt that I wanted to write something.

Before I stepped into the "real world" job that I have now, I spent fourteen years working in the restaurant business. Nearly 10 of those years were with Applebees, and there were a few pizza joints involved (about 3 years as a manager of a Sbarro's pizza place), and I spent a six month stint at a restaurant called Bahama Breeze (Great place...love the food and the atmosphere...if you live near one I highly recommend it).

During that long restaurant experience, I never really understood the whole concept of T.G.I.F. (Thank God It's Friday). From my standpoint at the time, Fridays were horrible. Fridays were essentially the beginning of the proverbial work week for a restauranteur and his/her employees (actually it began on Thursdays at Bahama Breeze because it was singles night and the patio was always packed...the patio was typically where I worked on Thursdays). It was the weekend when the largest percentage of the money was made, and when the wait at the door is, as I am sure you know, the longest (sometimes there was a two hour wait at Bahama Breeze...how crazy, I would never wait two hours to eat anywhere).

I have been at my current job for almost a year, and I spent one semester at Humana insurance company a few semesters back. Since I have been in the "real world" (40 hours, m-f, paid holidays, vacation time, health benefits) environment, T.G.I.F. has really taken on a considerably new meaning for me. I so look forward to Fridays now. I cant wait for quitting time before the weekend, especially when our business is closed such days as memorial day, and I get a "free" three day weekend. I typically can get stuff accomplished on Saturdays and Sundays (when I am not taking classes or out of town). It really can be a very refreshing couple of days.

For those out there that have made that transition into t

For the Jennifer fans out there, I leave you with this picture of her for this long weekend. I just saw this episode the other night from season 3. I like the long curly hair, but nothing will ever compare to her red hair from season 1 :). Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 26, 2005

I don't love Paris in the spring time...or summer, or fall, or winter for that matter...

I already didn't care much for Paris Hilton...what I read about this commercial leads me to dislike her even more. I know it is about the money, but I think she is just trashy anyway.

Advertisers know that "sex sells". All one has to do is turn on the T.V. and it is pretty apparent. My question today is going to come first, and then I will give you the low down on this Paris thing...

At what point did advertising start relying solely on sex to sell anything, and why isn't there more thought provoking advertising? (okay there are two questions, but they are kind of one in the same:) )

In California there is a burger joint called "Carl Jr." (which basically looks like a Hardees incognito...it has a Hardees star as its logo and the burger is called "the six dollar burger"...I dont really understand how those things work/happen) Their new advertising campaign is a commercial with Paris Hilton dancing/strutting/crawling on the floor/splashing herself with a soapy sponge...all in a very revealing outfit, while eating their burger with one of her hands.

This was one of the topics on the O'Reilly Factor recently, and they showed the commercial. The commercial has been compared to "soft porn" by some, and actually after seeing it, all it really made me want to do was not buy the burger. I felt like by using sex to sale a stinkin' hamburger what they have done is "dumbed" down their advertising. Granted they probably will continue to sale their hamburger, but they have relied solely on the lowest common denominator to sale their product. Can't their advertising team be any more creative than that?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Can a sticker really bring down a theory?

Here is a rabbit that I have been chasing for a couple of days now. Up to this point, even though some topics that I have covered are somewhat controversial, I really am not a confrontational person so I have typically avoided topics such as the one that I am about to get into (and probably another one that I am thinking about writing before the week is out actually :) ), but I have just recently joined in on a conversation discussing Intelligent Design vs. Darwin (see Articles about ID ).

(For those who do not have any idea what I am talking about, ID states that there is a God who created the universe, and he intelligently designed all that is in it, and of course we all know Darwin's theory of evolution because that is what we were taught in school.)

Currently, my position is that there should be more emphasis on the fact that Darwin's theory is indeed a theory. I feel that students should at least be made aware that there are other options out there instead of presenting evolution as the only viable option (which is what I feel that some science departments do), even if that requires giving a brief overview of the ID stance in a public school setting. That does not mean that I feel the Science departments should adopt the ID position, nor do I feel that they should teach it as the truth either, I just would like the students to be made aware that Darwin could be wrong.

Recently, in Cobb County, GA there was a court ruling that directly relates to this conversation:

According to Foxnews, 34,452 stickers were placed on Science books around that county. The disclaimer stickers read "This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered."

Within the "Bible Belt" of the south, this was somewhat of a "moral" victory for ID supporters, which of course led to an appeal from anti-ID'ers that was eventually upheld.

Therefore, now all of those 34,452 stickers have been removed.

My question today is, "Why is this sticker such a threat to evolutionists?"

The fact that students should not take everything at face value without research, is a fact of life anyway...they will really find that out in college. Honestly, I would not be an ID supporter had I not been convicted in my own heart eight years ago when I became a Christian. I didnt learn that in the public school system. And just because I am in Seminary does not mean that I take everything that my profs say as truth without some digging of my own.

Before you leave a comment, I ask one thing...if your intent in leaving a comment is purely to bash the Christian worldview, please refrain...there is enough bashing going back and forth in the world already. I feel as though I have not attacked people who hold an opposing view to my own with any of my comments that I have made, please be respectful enough not to attack me...Thanks :).

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Now that's what I call some high quality h2o!

You have heard it before, and now you are about to hear it again. It will be one of my many battle cries until the day I die..."you need to drink more water!!!"

For those interested in losing weight, or even simply keeping a healthy lifestyle, one of the key ingredients to the proverbial pie is drinking h2o.

There are many benefits to drinking water...here are several that I have found from various sources and some of which from my own personal experience...

  1. Keeps you hydrated
  2. Helps you lose weight (lessens water retention)
  3. Keeps your skin looking younger
  4. Stimulates muscle growth
  5. Stronger teeth and bones
  6. Maintains a healthy digestive and urinary tract
  7. Reduces headaches
  8. Increases energy
  9. Speeds up metabolism (especially if cold)
  10. Increases mental and physical performance
  11. Removes toxins from your body
  12. Decreases the risk of some cancers
  13. Eases joint pain
  14. Reduces high cholesterol
  15. Reduces blood pressure
I am not quite sure how many of these have been scientifically proven, but you get the idea...there are several benefits to drinking water.

Experts used to say 8 glasses a day, but in reality the amount (just like anything else) varies by age, weight, size, how much physical activity, etc...However, if you are not drinking any at all, 8 glasses is a good starting place.

There are dangers to drinking too much water, but on the average I would say that as unhealthy as Americans are, the percentage of people that approach the "too much" range is probably quite low.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Is it a crime to want to look good in a swimsuit?

Three weeks and two days before I get on board a fast plane, and head to Lakeland Florida. Where I plan on finally relaxing for a few days, catching some rays on the beach, and actually reading for pleasure for a change.

I think I mentioned this in a previous entry, but this trip to Florida will be like the first vacation that I have had in 7 or 8 years...furthermore, I am so excited to actually get to spend some quality time with my sweet friend Jules who lives hundreds of miles away now (see picture on previous post).

In my quest to have a healthy/hot bod, I have had many ups and downs...literally. This past weekend was probably one of the worst "falls off the wagon" that I have experienced. Friday, I had a #2 (no onions) at McDonalds, followed up by a "Watchamacallit" (one of, if not the, best candy bars ever made...I got the big one no less) on my way out of town, Saturday wasnt bad, but I had like five chocolate chip muffins throughout the day (thanks to my friend's mom, who is one of the best hostesses in the world), then Sunday I had a #1 at Wendy's with cheese (biggie sized of course), followed up with a butterfinger crisp and a 100 grand (another candy bar masterpiece) on the way home. When I fall, I do it right :)...there is no need in counting calories when you lose track around 2,000. And of course, even though I planned on exercising while there, my gym shorts never came out of the suitcase.

All of that to say, that it is now crunch time (pun intended)...Starting today, I am bound and determined to "look good" before I go to Florida. No unhealthy thing shall pass my lips :).

With this health renaissance, I have two questions that have begun to float around in my brain...

First, even though health is a byproduct of exercise...and of course where my main focus should be, I admittedly have to fight the pride associated with the other byproduct, which is simply looking more attractive. I was always a "fat" kid, and I have never been so focused on my health as I am at this phase in my life...the natural byproduct of looking better in my clothes began last year, and has carried on into this summer of course.

So my first question is what does it mean to "look good"? Looking good is relative. Different people find different qualities attractive. So does it really matter how I think I look in my swimsuit?

The next question is, with my obsessive qualities, is it even possible for me to ever "look good" enough to satisfy my own goals and desires?

If I keep a right attitude about it all, and have health as my ultimate desire, I can strive for healthiness as a lifestyle for the rest of my life, but along with that, I will continue to incur the other byproduct as well...How do you keep from focusing on the outward appearance while continuing to do the things that are right for your body (eating healthy/exercising)?

Ultimately I really have one question I guess...At what point do I cross that line from a "healthy" desire to a "unhealthy" disorder?

I have more thoughts on this, but feel free to share yours...

Friday, May 20, 2005

Weblogs that lack substance.

Okay, so I have been a little bored today. I am still in the midst of a long dry spell of a slow period for me. I have had some real work this week, but it has been limited.

I figured since I wont be able to add a post over the weekend (no internet access) I would write another quick entry here before I leave work.

The fact that I have been a little bored, and that I am obsessed with this whole weblog thing during this phase of my life, led me to hit the next blog button at the top of this page...what I found was very irritating.

First, I admit that some of my writing is fluff. I dont claim to be a professional writer by any means...and I put pictures of Jen...and pictures of me with my friends...I have words of the day...I share stories about my life. But most of what I write has at least some kind of point, and it can be somewhat controversial at times and spark comments. Most of the time when I write something, I feel like I need to get to a point of why I am sharing that with "the world"...the moral of the story if you will. Whether the point is to share some emotion that I am dealing with, or vent, or simply entertain.

There are a great number of exceptions to this rule, but for the most part, what I found while scrolling through does not amount to much. The problem with most of these is that there is no substance...nothing worth taking my time to read. Again, I know that there are exceptions out there...I even found some of them while scrolling...but you have to sift through so many bad ones to get to a good one.

I want to encourage everyone to take a stand with me people...help promote writing with substance.

Have a great weekend everyone.

A Cleaning High!

Well, I am going out of town again this weekend (I think it is the third or fourth weekend in the past six weeks ...second in a row...fifth if you count the weekend I house sat, and I am out of town next weekend as well). I feel like I havent had a day to just hang out at home in like a year.

The main problem with going out of town on the weekends is that is when I mainly clean my apartment and do laundry. My week, as a whole, is pretty packed from the beginning to end, and on the weekends (now that my Saturday class is over) all that I typically have is church and exercise (unless I am out of town :)).

Being out of town so much lately has allowed my apartment to get unbearably messy, and my laundry to pile up. Yesterday it was driving me so crazy that I actually got up at 5:00 this morning, just to do all my laundry and clean my apartment before I came to work.

My question to all is do you experience the "cleaning high"? I guess for me it would be more like a "post-cleaning high". The moment right after your apartment has everything in its place, and every bit of laundry that you own is clean, and the universe is right again :).

I even go a step further...(when my apartment is messy it effects me in so many ways...both physically and mentally). During my "cleaning high" I feel like the tension in my shoulders is released at that moment, and I can breathe easy again. I also feel like I can think clearly again, and process my thoughts in a more orderly fashion (I cannot study at all if there is clutter around my place).

This morning I have been coming down from my cleaning high as I have transitioned into working time...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Star Wars Review

(there are no details about the movie here)

Wow...I am actually pretty speechless after seeing it last night (those who know me know that is saying quite a bit lol). Even though I have splattered a few superlatives throughout this entry, no amount of superlatives can really capture what I feel about this movie.

The movie as a whole was incredible. The cinematography was a little different than the first two, but it truly added to the movie and made it better, and it also made for an easier transition into the original trilogy (when you see it, let me know if you think it looked more like the original three as it got to the end of the movie). The story line is great, and very easy to follow for even the smallest of Star Wars fans.

I have a theory on all of this though...I feel like this movie was set up for success no matter how you look at it. It is the closing gap...the link in the chain...to tie all of the new first episodes into the original trilogy. There are so many questions that have finally been answered after 30 years of wondering, and placed on the big screen for Star Wars fans around the world to see.

If you are not a fan, you should be. Go out and rent the first two and make it into the theatre to see this one before it runs its course. You should really see this one in the theatre.

Interesting statistics for the day...
— 8 pounds: weight of the Chewbacca costume.
— 6: Number of Star Wars movies containing the line, "I have a bad feeling about this."
— 3: Star Wars movies in which C-3-P-O loses a body part.
— 6,598,928: hours computer spent rendering effects for Revenge of the Sith.
— 360: visual effects shots in the original Star Wars ("A New Hope").
— 2,151: visual effects shots in "Revenge of the Sith."
— $13 million: budget of original Star Wars ("A New Hope").
— $113 million: budget of "Revenge of the Sith."

Also, I think this estimate may be a little high though, "according to one analysis it will cost US employers as much as 627 million dollars in lost productivity". They say this is due to people skipping out on work today (the day after the midnight opening). I dont know how close that is to accurate, but I came in a little late, and I am leaving early today, so I fit in that statistic somewhat :).

Any comments on what you think after you see it are appreciated, but please be considerate of those who may read my blog before they see it. Dont give anything away.

I am going to do some work now and try not to fall asleep...I think I may grab a diet coke before I start :)...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Why do bad things happen to good people?

This question has plagued philosophers, theologian and pretty much any person who has had a rational thought since the beginning of time. Therefore, you really should not expect an exhaustive answer in this short snippet of a blog entry...I am not even claiming to know an answer really (even though I am pretty smart if I do say so myself :)).

As I look around the world today, I see so many evil things. Fathers killing defenseless daughters, pregnant women being killed for their babies, school shootings...even as I look closer around me, I see bad things happening to sweet friends of mine.

The question is why do these things happen?

The answer is we may never know for certain.

That is frustrating to me. I want to know all the answers...I want to be in control...I want to be a leader and not a follower...I want to know everything about everything...

As I realize that I will never have all the answers or be in control, it humbles me. It also makes me turn to God's word for answers. Even though I may never know why bad things happen to good people, I know that I can trust that God is sovereign, and has a plan and a purpose for all of our lives.

Jeremiah 29.11-14 "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart. And I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile."

I am blue :(

I just had lunch with a very dear friend of mine who may be moving away for good today.

It is very sad to go through certain transitions. When I moved to Louisville, it was a long time before I started making close friends again...and I very much missed all of the friends I left behind in TN.

Here I am, on the verge of going through that again in a year or so...wherever I am moving to. I hadnt really thought much about leaving my friends and my church until today...I had mainly been focused on all of the new and exciting aspects of moving...seeing my friend leave just reminds me of how tough it will be to leave everyone when I go.

Sad times...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A cool picture of Jennifer. Posted by Hello

Reality TV has Jumped the Shark

For those who are not familiar with the phrase "jumped the shark", it is that defining moment when a show starts to go downhill. It started with the Fonz from Happy Days actually jumped a shark while skiing on water skis. It was at that point that Happy Days started its downward spiral to cancellation.

That said, as I listened to the radio recap of the bachelor, and the guy crying when he gave his sappy speech to the girl that he gave a "promise" ring to in the finale of that show (another problem that I have...promise rings...either you get the girl an engagement ring, or maybe even a ring to mark a special occasion...the concept of a "promise" ring makes no sense..."i am giving you this ring to let you know that I will possibly be giving you another ring at another point in the future...and I will ask you to marry me...maybe"), I realized for the hundredth time that I am so, so, so over reality TV. They should have a "Six months later" episode of the Bachelor as the finale. The likelihood of that relationship lasting is minimal at best.

Reality TV is not reality anyway. What is shown in the final product allows the producers to portray whatever they want to portray when the show actually airs.

There are a few possible exceptions to the rule (I have friends that love Survivor, the Amazing Race and the Apprentice, and I want them to be happy :)), but as a whole, it would not bother me at all if all Reality TV was gone for good. Give me a good episode of CSI or Alias any day.

Monday, May 16, 2005

This is me and one of my best friends, Jules, when she was in town for the derby last week. she is also who I am going to visit in Florida in a few weeks :). I would love to have more pictures on my blog if I had a stinkin' digital camera...if anyone would like to buy me one that would be a great gift ;). Posted by Hello

Luke...Luke...I am your father...

The countdown has begun...in a little over 60 hours, me and several other Star Wars fans across the U.S. will be moving with the rest of the herds into one of many special midnight showings of the final installment of this classic.

There are several movies out there that have bridged the generational gap...but none probably as much as all of the Star Wars movies. As I have thought about this movie the past several months, I have realized how much it truly does cross that gap. It is quite possible that I will be sitting next to a 12 year old kid on one side of me (who has never heard of garbage pail kids, or never known life without the internet), and a 40 year old (who took Thursday off from work to catch up on sleep...lol) on the other side of me. (although I am not taking a whole day off, I have informed my CEO that I will not be in 'till noon :).)

I truly cannot wait to see this movie. There are so many fond memories associated with the original trilogy in my life. For instance, everytime that I went to my uncle's house...watching the original Star Wars 1 was a huge treat for us...so much so that I am sure my family was tired of seeing it. I even remember where my cousin accidentally taped over the part with R2D2's help beacon from Princess Leia with part of a Vanderbilt basketball game..."help me Obi-Wan Kenobi...your my only hope...and Vandy brings the ball across half court...a pass to Will Purdue..."

As much as I am going to enjoy the movie, if I am going to make it Wednesday night I better make sure to have an extra diet coke before I go. As I get older, I find it harder and harder to make it to midnight movies :).

Please feel free to share any thoughts on the movies and or memories you have...and if you are planning on going Wednesday night in Louisville and havent gotten a ticket yet, you better buy your ticket very soon because almost all theatres/showings are sold out. If you have a ticket to the 12:10 Stoneybrook showing, feel free to join me and my friends...the more the merrier :).

I wonder if Jared is the culprit...


For anyone out there that has not been made aware, Subway is doing away with their stamp system as of August 1st. For those of us who have about 10 full cards in their wallet, this is pretty annoying.

Honestly, with so many people that always try to beat the system out there, I am surprised that it has lasted this long. Apparently, there has been some people making a quick buck by selling stamps on Ebay.

All it takes is one bad apple...

According to the manager that I talked to, they are putting together a system to use a swipe card, but they do not know how long this will take.

Friday, May 13, 2005

OCD...A blessing or a curse?

As I was sitting down yesterday to make a list of potential topics for today's blog entry, the thought occurred to me "I wonder how many people actually make a list of possible blog topics to write 24 hours in advance..." :).

A very overview/broad definition of the disorder is:
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder - Excessive concern for rules, efficiency and order, coupled with an insistence that all do things their way.
A person with obsessive-compulsive disorder have either obsessions, or compulsions, or both. The obsessions and/or compulsions are strong enough to cause significant distress in their employment, schoolwork, or personal and social relationships.

There is much more to OCD than the brief definition above...and though I probably do not have a full blown case of it, I do have tendencies that lean towards the disorder.

I go through phases with my obsessions. For instance, right now in my life, I love writing in this stinkin' weblog. I also love reading, talking and learning more about healthy living. I cant wait to go to Florida next month, so if my mind goes there, I spend about thirty minutes picturing how it will be. Next week, I am getting a Bike...that takes brain time too.

I also have an obsessive need to plan. It is 10:30 in the morning, and a few minutes ago I actually made a call to make sure I knew where a certain Subway was in Murfreesboro, TN, so I could stop and eat supper on my way to a wedding tonight. Eating is a huge hang up for me because I always want to eat healthy, and when I go home for the weekend my family doesnt always have healthy stuff to snack on. I was actually thinking about the rest of my meals this weekend and planning them out earlier this morning.

Anytime there is something "new" in my life, I get on the web and start reading about it to learn what I can and be knowledgeable about the topic.

The only downside I see in my case is the need that I have for perfectionism. I dont know if this is true for all, but there is a drive in me to be perfect in the areas of obsession that I have. If I cannot be perfect, I have a tendency to blow off whatever it is that I was obsessing about.

Through an exchange with a fellow blogger yesterday, I came to the conclusion that a mild case of OCD can be a good thing because organization is a good thing. With us around, the world is a much better place. Take pride in your OCD!!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

For those who have never seen Alias, I highly recommend it. Besides the fact that Jennifer Garner is the star, the show itself is really good. I have recently started watching it on DVD. I just finished the second season a couple of nights ago (Please dont offer any details of seasons after two if you leave a post). This is Jen with her red hair as Sydney...man what a hottie :).

Turn Signals and Cell Phones

I always said that if I became a columnist I was going to write an editorial on turn signals...today's entry, I am going to include another pet peeve of mine as well...

I truly believe that when a person gets their driver's license, in Louisville, Ky, they are purposely condition not to use a turn signal. In fact, they probably fail their driving test if they do use a turn signal. Although it has not ticked me off as of late, it is by far one thing that I cannot stand. If everyone on the road drove like me, the world would be a better place :).

I know everyone has been there and can share in my frustration. You are driving down the road, and the car in front of you begins to apply its brakes...slowing down to nearly a stop. What the heck is he going to do? Is he turning left...is he turning right...is there a family of ducks crossing in front of him? The guy takes his sweet time turning, paying no attention to the line of cars behind him...you honk...and he politely tells you that you are "Number One" with his middle finger on one hand, as he talks on his cell phone with the other. Which brings up a valid question...if the guy can flip you off while he is turning, why couldnt he have just used his turn signal from the beginning with that free hand? That would have saved all the hassle for both of you.

My second pet peeve, though I mentioned the cell phone while driving scenario in my illustration, is not people talking while driving. I in fact do that quite a bit, however I always use my turn signal. In fact, I talk a ton in general (if you cant figure that out from my lengthy blog entries), just look at the minutes of use on my verizon bill.

No...the cell phone pet peeve that I have is directly related to a person's use of their cell phone while in the bathroom. That drives me absolutely insane. Why in the world would anyone want to talk to you while you are peeing or pooping? What kills me even more is that I hear business men, on their phones, probably talking to clients, in the bathroom of my building. If the client knew, would they still be a client?

The cell phone is a great invention. It does make life much easier, and more efficient...it allows you to multitask in many ways. However, if you need to make a call, and you need to go to the bathroom...the call can wait two or three minutes. Go to the bathroom first, wash your hands (that is another peeve of mine lol), and then make your call :).

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...if you are reading this...and normally dont use your turn signal...I beg of you, consider starting. Also, if you ever talk to me on the phone, and I find out that you are on the toilet, we will never speak on the phone again :).

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

One Year Later

May 11th marks a special day for me. It was one year ago that I first stepped back into a pool and decided that I was going to lose weight again. Six or seven years ago I lost 70 pounds...but after four years of graduate work, I had gained back about 55 or 60 pounds of that.

Now a year later, I have far surpassed where I was before coming to Louisville. Furthermore, this time I can tell my healthy lifestyle change is around to stay.

I want to encourage those out there that feel as though they 1. "cant do it" or that 2. eating right is "impossible" or that 3. they are too busy...None of those excuses are viable excuses.

1. Anyone can do anything they set their minds to...all it takes is to start. Start slow, 30-45 minutes of cardio 3 or 4 days a week...but continue to add challenges to your body as it becomes easier. Before the summer was over last year, I went from swimming 1/2 mile a day to 2 miles a day...6 days a week. If it gets boring, switch it up. I started rollerblading some last summer too...and now I use the treadmill, track and lift weights.

2. Eating right is a mind thing. If I feel like I am going through a period when I will be tempted more, I dont keep anything in my house that will tempt me (peanut butter, though good in moderation, is a weakness of mine. i could eat half a jar in a day if i dont watch myself :) ). Plus, you allow for one "splurge" meal a week. This does not mean order a whole large Papa John's pizza and sit on the couch and eat every crumb. You can have pizza, but order a medium and share it with someone...have them take the leftovers home with them instead of keeping them at your house. Also, always remember if you "fall off the wagon", tomorrow is a new day. start fresh...but dont wait until Monday of the next week.

3. Busy-ness is the least viable excuse of them all. If you knew now, that you could spend 30-45 minutes 4 days a week and avoid a heart attack in 10 years, would you do it? Let me tell you a little about being busy...

Granted I am single, but that does not mean I dont have commitments. I work 40 hours a week, I go to church about 3 or 4 times a week, I am in charge of a local college ministry that meets one night a week (not to mention special events), I work with a college group at my church that has one large event a month as well as several small events scattered throughout, I am working on my masters degree taking classes on nights and weekends, I play djembe with our Singles band and I have played with another band for one concert (i hope to continue with them) that required several practice sessions, I play djembe at another church on Sunday nights, I have met with people one-on-one for mentoring and discipleship, and I do have a family and somewhat of a social life :).

...it is within this schedule that my typical week is to swim six mornings a week, lift three evenings a week, and find some random times to go to the treadmill or track.

Up to this point, most of what I have talked about is directed to the individual, but truly, I give the credit for my accomplishments to God and my relationship with Jesus for this past year's success. Without God, there is no way that I would have changed from the night owl that I was to the disciplined person that gets up at 5:00 a.m. It is my relationship with my Lord that gives me the ability to accomplish all that I do in my life, and He is where I lean to find the strength that it requires.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Denny's Bear Barrel Pub...

Considering the interest that I have on health and fitness, I feel that I should share about this huge stinkin' burger that has just been introduced to the world.

There is a burger joint in Pen. that once had the crown of the place with the biggest burger (a six pounder)...the title was recently taken by another burger joint with a bigger burger. Denny's, to retaliate, now has a fifteen pound burger.

This burger includes:

10 1/2 lbs. of ground beef
25 slices of cheese
1 head of lettuce
3 tomatoes
2 onions
1 1/2 cups of mayo
1 1/2 cups of mustard
1 1/2 cups of ketchup
1 1/2 cups of relish
1 1/2 cups of banana peppers
1 bun

I decided to do a rough estimate of how much fat and calories are in this thing and from my best calculation (granted I had to do just a general search on the items, and I couldnt find how much fat and calories, if any, is in relish) I concluded roughly:

Total fat: 1,408 grams
Total Calories: 18,975

The average person requires 2,000-3,000 calories a day. That means that this burger contains the total daily intake of calories for about six people.

Also, 3,500 calories above what a person requires equals a pound of fat, so theoretically, if one person were to eat this whole burger, they could literally put on about 5 pounds of fat in one sitting.

Stop the madness people!!! There is enough problems with weight and health in the US, why do we need to give people an excuse to try and out eat each other?

Monday, May 09, 2005

What up dog...i mean doc...

Although this is the second rabbit from the "Rabbits from around the globe" series, it does not mean he is second in my heart :).

Bugs Bunny has been entertaining people for generations. In fact, I just learned that he is 67 years old this year.

The "waskily wabbit" (sp?) was introduced in 1938 in "Porky's Hare Hunt", but did not munch on a carrot, or utter his famous "Eh, what's up doc?", or kiss Elmer Fudd until 1940 in "A Wild Hare".

As for many, my age and older, Bugs Bunny was a huge part of cartoon watching. It is unfortunate that cartoons today have changed into Pokemon and Rugrats. Dont get me wrong, I love a good episode of Dexter's labratory and the like. But there is well thought out humor and slapstick from the days of Bugs and his cohorts that will never be seen again.


Okay...I heard two news stories on the way to work today that have gotten my blood pressure up!!!

First, has anyone heard of these new "chronic pops"? Apparently somewhere in Florida, there are suckers called "chronic pops" that are pot flavored. Their advertising slogan is "dont tell your parents...tell a friend"...omigosh, that is the craziest thing i have ever heard of. what are they going to have next? cocoa puffs that taste like cocaine?

The Second thing is this "Runaway Bride" thing...for some reason, I have followed a lot of this story. The new news that came out over the weekend is that she has done this more than once...she did the exact same thing to a guy eight years ago, and then broke up with another fiance OVER THE PHONE!!! after they had picked out rings and shopped for houses. The newest news is that the media has now "given her an excuse" for her latest malicious break off. Apparently her current fiance did not want to have sex before they got married...this of course led to the poor poor girl's being "frustrated", so of course she had to go to vegas to "get it out of her system".

we live in a world where no one takes any responsibility for what they do. why should the runaway bride???

Friday, May 06, 2005

The Kentucky Derby

Hello all...most of what I have posted to this point has been the ramblings of a professional student...This entry is a little glimpse into who kevin really is...if there are those out there who would like to know more about kevin :).

The Kentucky Derby has meant different things to me at different times in my life...really just two different things at two times in my life...

When I was growing up in TN., every year around this time my family, in particular my grandfather (C.T...I actually referred to him by his name instead of some term of endearment...I think that started because I was a grandmother's boy...a.k.a. Nanny's boy...and that is what she called him), was getting excited about the upcoming derby. C.T. loved sporting events. That is probably partly why I love sports as much as I do today...any kind of sports really. We actually all went over to their house and picked the names of the horses out of a bowl, and sat down to watch all of the hype leading up to the two minutes of actual racing where we would cheer our horses on. It is really a very wonderful childhood memory that I have.

Now, it is quite different lol. I live in Louisville (for those who do not know, it is where the Kentucky derby is ran). Louisville is the capital of large conferences, as well as the home of the derby...so every year/all year, people from around the United States come to Louisville for one reason or another. Derby time is no different...in fact it is probably the worst of them all. They usually project a million or more people to be downtown during "Thunder over Louisville" (the largest fireworks display in the country...and it happens two weeks before the derby)...then there is the weeks worth of events that start the Saturday before the derby...

Long story short, I really dont care about the derby as I once did. It is somewhat of an annoyance more than anything during this phase of my life. Businesses shut down. Schools are out. Traffic is worse. Dont get me wrong...I enjoy the history of it all, and I actually do try to watch it every year (this year will be on a big screen in the house where I am house sitting). But I have not bet on the race ever, and dont plan to...I just look forward to this saturday being over...not to mention, I take my final and turn in my last paper for my class, and my semester is over this saturday too :).

Hope this doesnt offend those out there that truly love the derby.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Word of the Day


A word that I have used quite frequently for a long time...but I never really knew the whole definition...


1. The face of a building, especially the principal face.
2. An artificial or deceptive front: ideological slogans that were a façade for geopolitical power struggles.

how funny that the first definition is the face of a building...i have never heard it used for that before. i wonder what the etymology (study of the history of the form and definition of a word...another good word for the day lol) of the word is that caused the second definition to be used...and if the second definition is derived from the first...it is kind of like you "cant judge a book by its cover" so to speak. just because the front of the building looks like a mickey d's...doesnt mean you are going to get a quarter pounder when you go in :).

Rabbits from around the globe...

It has been brought to my attention by my good friend "P-Diddy" (not THE P-Diddy...but he knows who he is...big props to you dog), that in consideration of my blog title, I should devote a couple of posts to the famous rabbits of the world..."International Bunnies" :)...

This first one is dedicated to a childhood icon flying in straight from Germany...that master of sneakiness that glides in like a stealth bomber and places candy by little children's beds and then sneaks out undetected by the home alarms...stealth-bunny :)...He is also apparently very good at hiding eggs...(which I have never really understood that because i dont think bunnies have eggs :).)

This fluffy friend has been a sweet story that has been told to children for hundreds of years...but how sweet is he?

Wikipedia (an online encyclopedia) shares this about the our good friend the "Easter Bunny":

"This myth (the easter bunny myth) says that the Easter Bunny was an Egyptian goddess of fertility. The origin of this myth relies solely on an isolated comment by a first century monk. There has never been any other evidence of any kind to substantiate this claim. The probable origin of this claim is the similarity in the pronunciation of the Egyptian Goddess Eostre and the word easter. The actual origins of the Easter Bunny can be traced to Catholic German Protestants who wanted to re-introduce the custom of eating colored eggs on Easter."

Other internet sources say:

"Eostre supposedly opened the gates of Valhalla ( heaven ) to Baldur, the murdered Sun God who had brought light to humankind." (sad times!!)

"Thanks to their notorious mating habits, hares or rabbits were held to be sacred animals to Eostre, and although no archaeological evidence has yet been unearthed, it seems the goddess was at times depicted with a hare's head."

The egg was of course one of Eostre's symbols as well...(if you dont know why that is, you may need to consult a biology book :))....and apparently one of the traditions surrounding this myth was to set bonfires and tell the children that the easter bunny burned flowers to get the dye for her eggs.

Anyway, the point, ah yes there is of course a point to this rabbit hunt...

I am not married (i promise i am going somewhere with this...bear with me), and I do not have children, but I have several friends that do. I was home in TN a few weeks a go, and one of my dearest friends asked her daughter "Is Santa Claus real?"...and her three year old in the cutest way possible said "noooooo" (it was really cute i promise...if you know me, ask me about it and i can demontstrate)...then her mom said "What is Christmas really about?"...the sweet girls first response was presents lol (i was on a t.v. commercial once as a child and gave the same answer)...when my friend pressed harder her daughter told us about Jesus being born.

Jesus is also of course the real reason to celebrate Easter as well...his resurrection from the grave after his crucifixion.

I know that when I am married...and have children...I will have many decisions to make. I would like to handle it in the same way that my friend has. I am very proud of her for sharing the true meanings of Christmas and Easter with her three year old, and not presenting her with a facade, to only find out when she is six from her friends in kindergarten that the easter bunny isnt real...and then to come home crying in her bed because she found out that her "LIFE IS ALL A BIG LIE!!!"...okay, it may not be that dramatic...but you get the point :).

My thoughts today are to encourage everyone to do this as well. Our fluffy little figure...the rabbit in the current proverbial spotlight...really has absolutely nothing to do with the real reason that Easter should be celebrated. The "pyro-hare" is just an excuse for chocolate making companies and hallmark to make some cash :).

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Dictionary.com has three sources that it pulls a definition for compartmentalization:

Main Definition:
To separate into distinct parts, categories, or compartments: “You learn... even the ability to compartmentalize ethics” (Ellen Goodman).

Secondary Definition:
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth EditionCopyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Function: noun: isolation or splitting off of part of the personality or mind with lack of communication and consistency between the parts

Tertiary Definition:
Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
n 1: a mild state of dissociation 2: the act of distributing things into classes or categories of the same type

I bring up this word because I believe that is how my life is set up (that comes from some of my own analysis as well as input from a fellow rabbit chaser)...I feel as though that most of my life is compartmentalized in some form or fashion.

For instance, I have a life at my job...forty hours a week with a very small group of people (we are a small company :) ). The rest of my world (i.e. the other compartments) is set aside while I do my duty here at the office. I have a compartment where my church life and friends is kept...a compartment for friends back home...a compartment for family...a compartment for my life at the gym...and even my pool compartment is separate from my gym compartment.

I am not saying that there is not some overlap. Obviously, if my day is slow enough that I have time to be writing this entry to whomever is reading it :)...as well as sending an email to my address book letting them know that I have created a weblog...and responding to a text message that I received from a friend of mine...and making a phone call about the plans I have tonight...there is overlap. Not to mention there are times when our worlds (a.k.a. compartments) collide. I have often brought friends from home to Louisville, or vice versa.

The point I am trying to make is that I feel as though a great number of people do this as well...consciously or subconsciously...we place all of these areas in their own little box.

I find it interesting that the first definition source feels as if we can compartmentalize ethics...to some degree I have seen that is possible. An example would be when I used to work for Applebees Restaurant. I found myself laughing at jokes...or even making jokes...that I would not have when I was at church.

As Christians, we need to realize that the compartmentalization of our lives is okay...it is normal. But we should not compartmentalize our ethics. As we live our lives in Christ...our ethics must reflect Jesus in every compartment that we have.

A lot to say about nothing...a little to say about something...

I have recently become a huge fan of the blogging phenomena...reading some different ones on a daily basis even. It actually feels very strange to have that much of a glimpse into a persons life sometimes. Very much even feels like I am stalking them to a degree :)...

What I have realized within the last couple of days is that blogs are a perfect outlet for those of us, like myself, who can easily use 1000 words to tell a story that would take any other average person about 300 words to share.

What the two different types of people do have in common is that the heart of the matter...the main information...is being distributed to the hearer...but it is at that point where the two types of personalities diverge.

The difference is the ride to get to the so called heart of the matter. A person like myself, the story teller that I am, has a tendency to do several things when disseminating information:

1. There is always a rabbit to chase. Rabbits can pop up at any twist or turn in the plot of the conversation. They come from random thoughts, any comment that reminds the person of another story, or any details that the story teller deems are important for the story to be better.
2. They have a flare for the dramatic...having a tendency to overestimate or underestimate small or minor details of the story.
3. Every bit of information that can be passed along to someone can be told in a story format (i.e. telling someone about a trip to the supermarket can turn into a thirty minute routine :)).
4. People like myself love a crowd. The more dramatic and big a story is...the more people in the room turn to hear what happened next.

If two of these types of people get together for a conversation, they better keep an eye on the clock if they have an appointment to keep...I have even found myself setting time limits when I am speaking to another one of these so called "rabbit chasers".

Long story short (I have a tendency to say that a lot too...lol) I am starting my own blog to have an outlet to do this sort of thing.

The unfortunate thing, is that I do not know how often I will get to post new stuff. I do not have internet at home as a personal choice...I can get into that thought later...so what I type will be while I am at work (the boss probably wouldnt appreciate too much of that), or what I write at home and bring with me to upload.

Hope all are having a wonderful day.