For those who have never seen Alias, I highly recommend it. Besides the fact that Jennifer Garner is the star, the show itself is really good. I have recently started watching it on DVD. I just finished the second season a couple of nights ago (Please dont offer any details of seasons after two if you leave a post). This is Jen with her red hair as Sydney...man what a hottie :).
Hey dude. Thanks for the comments on my site.
I can't believe you are watching alias. You may need an accountability partner. She's a married woman (or soon to be at least)!
i am willing to bet, in fact i know, that i am not the only Alias fan at Southern :)...there is a certain red headed drummer, who will remain nameless, that i know that is a fan as well.
that is very unfortunate about her pending marriage...we tried dating once, but it just didnt work out...i just couldnt bring myself to marry someone older than me :). also, I dont know if I can compete with the 4 carrot Harry Winston ring that Ben bought for her or her CIA career.
the rumor is that she is three months pregnant as well...also very unfortunate.
I love ALIAS!!! :) Michael Vartan's a hottie :)! He was on the Tony Danza show this morning...another hottie even though he's like really old ;).
Jen is hot. Did you see her in Daredevil? Yum.
i may actually be older than michael...so what you are saying is that i am really old? lol
yeah...i own daredevil and electra...both great movies!!
funny story about watching jen's movies. when i watched "13 going on 30" it was me and two other guys (who will remain nameless in case they dont want to be exposed and admit that they have seen this movie :) )...lol.
there was nothing else good to rent, and, as unfortunate as it may be to admit, i dig chick flix. and of course there is always the Jen factor.
Funny, I rented it for the same exact reasons. So don't be embarrassed.
You gotta love Denny...always there to keep you in line. :)
I couldn't watch Alias without an interpreter. I drive Kevin crazy asking about details on CSI.
How old ARE these people on Alias? :)
yeah...he cant keep me in line from dallas though :).
Alias isnt quite as hard to interpret as CSI...anyone can follow along the plot pretty easily. They do a lot of explaining along the way too.
michael is 36 and jen is 33.
Actually, I was sayin Tony's like really old :) not Michael. lol...Believe me, you're not old ;).
Thanks dear...I appreciate that very much...and tony is old!! wasnt he on "who's the boss"...for those who never saw that show, it was when alysa milano was like 13 years old...lol...i was a big fan. she was one of my pre-jennifer loves :).
even though you say i am not old...I have been going through a bit of a "pre-midlife" crisis of sorts this year...i definitely feel like i am approaching "old" :).
Yeah, he was on "Who's the Boss." I didn't see it back when it actually aired, but I have seen reruns on cable :).
Aw, I'm gonna miss you this summer :). You've been a great friend to me :). Thanks!
I hate Alias!!! And your friend has lost her mind! All I have to say is someone who will date Bennie boy is missing a few(lot) of screws!!!
Dating Ben is probably a big mistake. i think she should have stayed with michael from the show (or me :)) actually...but theres no turning back with a bun in the oven now.
I cant believe you dont like Alias...it is one of the best shows ever!!! A masterpiece of television drama :).
Awwwe thanks. I am going to miss you too. There is always email and the blog world though :).
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