Thursday, May 26, 2005

I don't love Paris in the spring time...or summer, or fall, or winter for that matter...

I already didn't care much for Paris Hilton...what I read about this commercial leads me to dislike her even more. I know it is about the money, but I think she is just trashy anyway.

Advertisers know that "sex sells". All one has to do is turn on the T.V. and it is pretty apparent. My question today is going to come first, and then I will give you the low down on this Paris thing...

At what point did advertising start relying solely on sex to sell anything, and why isn't there more thought provoking advertising? (okay there are two questions, but they are kind of one in the same:) )

In California there is a burger joint called "Carl Jr." (which basically looks like a Hardees has a Hardees star as its logo and the burger is called "the six dollar burger"...I dont really understand how those things work/happen) Their new advertising campaign is a commercial with Paris Hilton dancing/strutting/crawling on the floor/splashing herself with a soapy sponge...all in a very revealing outfit, while eating their burger with one of her hands.

This was one of the topics on the O'Reilly Factor recently, and they showed the commercial. The commercial has been compared to "soft porn" by some, and actually after seeing it, all it really made me want to do was not buy the burger. I felt like by using sex to sale a stinkin' hamburger what they have done is "dumbed" down their advertising. Granted they probably will continue to sale their hamburger, but they have relied solely on the lowest common denominator to sale their product. Can't their advertising team be any more creative than that?


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Yeah, Paris is really annoying. However, if she wants to cheapen herself, that's her choice. Have you seen the commercial for the new Gilligan's Island? It's kind of the same thing. Really, really bad show, but really, really sexual commercial. Two hot girls fight, pour cream all over their bodies and then dump water on themselves. Even though it's a cheap shot, I stop whatever I'm doing when it comes on just to gawk. Oh, well. I'm still not going to watch the show. But thanks for the commercial!

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

I have seen it actually...and i agree. its funny that you mention that show...i didnt even know that that was a reality t.v. show until just recently. i thought it was really a sitcom based on the original show, and I mentioned that commercial to a friend of mine before i knew that fact. it definitely falls under the growing umbrella of reality t.v. i dont like.

speaking of which, i just saw advertised that one of cbs' summer reality shows is about who can lose their job the fastest. the employer supposedly doesnt know that the employee is trying to lose their job.

1st, could they possibly come up with a more stupid theme for a show. 2nd, what are they promoting to america? lets see how badly we can be at something so we can win a game. america doesnt need to be encouraged to underachieve.

At 2:17 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

To tie advertising and Reality together - on the first season of Apprentice the men were against the women. The first four tasks the women won, they used sex to market. Trump pulled them in his board room and said, "No more. You are intelligent women and we aren't doing business that way. Come up with a creative idea to win, not by using sex." Actually the women were ashamed that they had to be called out. I wish that message would make it to ad agencies.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

Thats the thing...when i made the statement that "they used the lowest common denominator" the thought that i am laying down is that i agree with what trump told those girls.

the world knows that "sex sales"...they can always use that and "successfuly" market whatever it is they are trying to sale...


they could use their brains, and come up with a more original and thought provoking idea to sale their product...

this actually reminds me of an episode of Friends (ironic that we were talking the other day about the fact that I can always get back to a Friends episode with any situation in my life lol)...Chandler was trying to get a job at an advertisement agency, he was an unpaid intern with a bunch of college kids.

one of the college kids suggested using a bikini babe to sell some rollerblade sneakers, and chandler had actually come up with a scenario that involved a kid jumping over an older guy who had fallen down after putting those rollerblades on his feet...the kid of course was also wearing the same shoes...the tag line that he suggested was "(insert brand name here...i dont remember that detail)...not suitable for adults"

of course they commended chandler (because he is one of the stars of the show, and that was the point of that episode...he later got a job at that ad agency) even though I dont know which would have been accepted in the real world, but i think that is cool that they showed that aspect of advertising in a Friends episode.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

It always goes back to Friends. :) BTW, randomness - I love the headline of this post...very creative and would work at an ad agency. ;)

At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sexy did she look?...I might buy the burger!

At 11:24 AM, Blogger bcl said...

Yeah, it's ridiculous how much people are using sex to advertise...For example, the Starburst commercial...EW! Disgusting!...They've stooped so low as to use sex to sell candy! I refuse to support them :).

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

Trashy isnt sexy to me...I really dont find Paris attractive.

Thats a great stand.

But you have to be careful when you start boycotting everything that supports something you dont agree with. If you start getting into that mindset, and start becoming vocal about those stands, people will start to question other things you buy.

You basically wouldnt be able to purchase anything from the grocery store because every large corporation supports some things that are questionable.

I may or may not eat at Hardees again, and although that commercial is trashy, and there are those within that company that support that kind of advertising, I am careful not to have an "official stand" that I am never going to eat there because they support this.


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