Saturday, May 13, 2006

Coming soon...

I seriously doubt that any of my regular readers from back in the day still check on me...since I have "fallen off the face of the earth" from a blogger perspective. If any of you still check me out, I am about to resurrect this blog...I am working a third shift job as a second source of income and I have some time to write during the night. I plan on having at least one posting a week...on good weeks more :). Hope all have been well.


At 10:35 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Hey! I just happened to stop by after noticing that you were on my blog! Weird, huh? (I don't always check my site meter). Anyhoo, glad to hear you might be posting again! Hope all is well and am looking forward to hearing your stories!

At 11:29 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

Thanks so much. I miss keeping up with all of my blogger friends. I need to read through the last few months of your posts and see how things are going for you in Cali. It seems that things are going well and you are "triathleting" your butt off!!


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