Saturday, May 20, 2006

Still Chasing Rabbits...

Any regular readers that come back to this site will know that there was not a real specific theme to my blog. Back when I was writing 7 or 8 times a week, the topics would range from anything dealing with working out and health to topics like Intelligent Design Theory. Now as I am resurrecting this blog, I want to kind of keep with that same trend. Anything of interest, that may be a little controversial, or at least get a reader to think and generate conversation is up for grabs. During this beginning phase, I am going to try and make sure that I write something of interest at least once or twice a week, but I hope to become pretty regular again.

As a little recap for those who used to read my blog all of the time. Since I last posted I have had a pretty eventful several months. Last August I had a $70K heart surgery, fixing a birth defect. This put a kink in my exercise routine that stuck around during school. I kept it up for a while after my Cardiologist gave me an "all clear", but school and life took its toll on my routine. I have also since taken a beginning Hebrew class, and an Intro to Biblical Counseling class. Christmas came and went, and since then I have started a relationship, started a second job working third shift security on the weekends (just call me Barney), gained a few winter/spring pounds, changed my focus in ministry somewhat and last, but certainly not least, bought my first property (a nice townhouse condo). These things did not happen at all in that order, and that is not an exhaustive list by any means, but those are some of the highlights.

The first question that I would like to ask anyone that would care to answer, is how in the heck do you get re-motivated to workout after going through a temporary dry spell. In the past, I have had many ups and downs with work out regimens and weight. But once I got out of them, the laziness stuck around for a long time, until it got to the point that I just couldn't take it anymore and I would restart the cycle. I don't want it to be that way this time. I have been out of a routine for about five-six months now, and I want to be motivated to get back in that routine before it begins to get out of hand again. Please offer your advice!!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Coming soon...

I seriously doubt that any of my regular readers from back in the day still check on me...since I have "fallen off the face of the earth" from a blogger perspective. If any of you still check me out, I am about to resurrect this blog...I am working a third shift job as a second source of income and I have some time to write during the night. I plan on having at least one posting a week...on good weeks more :). Hope all have been well.