Monday, May 16, 2005

Luke...Luke...I am your father...

The countdown has a little over 60 hours, me and several other Star Wars fans across the U.S. will be moving with the rest of the herds into one of many special midnight showings of the final installment of this classic.

There are several movies out there that have bridged the generational gap...but none probably as much as all of the Star Wars movies. As I have thought about this movie the past several months, I have realized how much it truly does cross that gap. It is quite possible that I will be sitting next to a 12 year old kid on one side of me (who has never heard of garbage pail kids, or never known life without the internet), and a 40 year old (who took Thursday off from work to catch up on on the other side of me. (although I am not taking a whole day off, I have informed my CEO that I will not be in 'till noon :).)

I truly cannot wait to see this movie. There are so many fond memories associated with the original trilogy in my life. For instance, everytime that I went to my uncle's house...watching the original Star Wars 1 was a huge treat for much so that I am sure my family was tired of seeing it. I even remember where my cousin accidentally taped over the part with R2D2's help beacon from Princess Leia with part of a Vanderbilt basketball game..."help me Obi-Wan Kenobi...your my only hope...and Vandy brings the ball across half court...a pass to Will Purdue..."

As much as I am going to enjoy the movie, if I am going to make it Wednesday night I better make sure to have an extra diet coke before I go. As I get older, I find it harder and harder to make it to midnight movies :).

Please feel free to share any thoughts on the movies and or memories you have...and if you are planning on going Wednesday night in Louisville and havent gotten a ticket yet, you better buy your ticket very soon because almost all theatres/showings are sold out. If you have a ticket to the 12:10 Stoneybrook showing, feel free to join me and my friends...the more the merrier :).


At 2:55 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

I'm one of the fortunate people who work for a technology company full of Star Wars fans and we're being treated to a company outing to the 4pm showing on opening day. Unfortunately, I'm not quite as "geekish" about Star Wars, so I'm in the process of watching Episode I and II before Thursday so I have some clue about what's going on. :)

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

i will make sure that i call you thursday morning and let you know my thoughts before you go see it.

i think it is going to be the best one of the six. thiry years of unanswered questions will finally be answered :).

At 4:17 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

Sadly, I don't even know all the questions!

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

I can't wait to see the movie!

At 6:37 PM, Blogger erica said...

i watched star wars in german the other night....... it was weird


At 9:06 AM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

rose...The biggest question is of course, at what point does Darth Vader become Darth Vader...and start to live as part machine...and how does that "balance the force" as the prophecy claims. can feel free to drive up from SL and come see it with us tomorrow night :). funny. did it have subtitles, or was it in German only? also, does the new star wars come out in austria this week?

At 12:33 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

So, my real question is, "What's a Sith?" :)

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

a sith is a race that the jedi's had once thought died out.

as they learn in star wars 1, they are still around.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

Oh good...I thought it was one of those things doctors have to cut out... lol

At 9:02 AM, Blogger erica said...

no subtitles :( but Luke was like "ja Papa!" it make me laugh! ja ja ja
i think it comes out soon, a few of my friends were having a star wars marathon to get ready to watch the next one

At 10:24 AM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

we attempted to have a marathon here, but it resulted in only watching Star Wars we are getting too old, and all of us were ready to call it a night...i dont know how i am going to make it through the midnight movie tonight.


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