Thursday, May 12, 2005

Turn Signals and Cell Phones

I always said that if I became a columnist I was going to write an editorial on turn's entry, I am going to include another pet peeve of mine as well...

I truly believe that when a person gets their driver's license, in Louisville, Ky, they are purposely condition not to use a turn signal. In fact, they probably fail their driving test if they do use a turn signal. Although it has not ticked me off as of late, it is by far one thing that I cannot stand. If everyone on the road drove like me, the world would be a better place :).

I know everyone has been there and can share in my frustration. You are driving down the road, and the car in front of you begins to apply its brakes...slowing down to nearly a stop. What the heck is he going to do? Is he turning he turning there a family of ducks crossing in front of him? The guy takes his sweet time turning, paying no attention to the line of cars behind honk...and he politely tells you that you are "Number One" with his middle finger on one hand, as he talks on his cell phone with the other. Which brings up a valid question...if the guy can flip you off while he is turning, why couldnt he have just used his turn signal from the beginning with that free hand? That would have saved all the hassle for both of you.

My second pet peeve, though I mentioned the cell phone while driving scenario in my illustration, is not people talking while driving. I in fact do that quite a bit, however I always use my turn signal. In fact, I talk a ton in general (if you cant figure that out from my lengthy blog entries), just look at the minutes of use on my verizon bill.

No...the cell phone pet peeve that I have is directly related to a person's use of their cell phone while in the bathroom. That drives me absolutely insane. Why in the world would anyone want to talk to you while you are peeing or pooping? What kills me even more is that I hear business men, on their phones, probably talking to clients, in the bathroom of my building. If the client knew, would they still be a client?

The cell phone is a great invention. It does make life much easier, and more allows you to multitask in many ways. However, if you need to make a call, and you need to go to the bathroom...the call can wait two or three minutes. Go to the bathroom first, wash your hands (that is another peeve of mine lol), and then make your call :).

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...if you are reading this...and normally dont use your turn signal...I beg of you, consider starting. Also, if you ever talk to me on the phone, and I find out that you are on the toilet, we will never speak on the phone again :).


At 11:24 AM, Blogger erica said...

haha i never have issues with turn signals...

At 11:30 AM, Blogger bcl said...

You crack me up...Amen to the turn signal thing though...This is where most of my road rage kicks in :). Oh, by the way, in Naples, you would know if a family of ducks was crossing the road because, weird as it sounds, we actually have duck crossing signs...and the funny thing is, the ducks ACTUALLY cross there! :) Smart ducks ;)

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...


i so thought about that email you sent with the girl sitting next to another girl in the bathroom stalls when i wrote


that is so funny...i have often wondered how animals know where to cross. but they are such creatures of habbit. thats why, in deer hunting, you scout out the paths that deer use, and sit there...they will always come down that exact same path.

At 12:44 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

Ok, ok, ok...I hear ya. I'll use my turn signal!!! I know I'm guilty of this, as you so often remind me. :) turn signals are broken right now...really!

And, that bathroom thing....I've never done that (with you) on the phone...just for the record!

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...


that blog entry wasnt directed at you...but if the shoe fits :)...

At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cell phones in the bathroom!!! SOOO funny! Well, I guess you should just be hopeful/thankful that they aren't sending any pix...Ewwwwwwww!!!!! That is so funny though...I read somewhere about celebrities overhering others in public bathrooms doing that...saying..."Yes, dude...he/she is right in the next stall right now!!!!" I mean, I don't even want my husband to HEAR me in the bathroom (after 11 years, I STILL turn on the water!---okay, I'm nuts.) I would FREAK if I had to endure the phone call thing!!!

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to be "anonymous." I'm Rose's friend...just forgot to get my name in there before I hit "publish."

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

not a problem with the name thing...rose has had nothing but good things to say :).

i am weird about the bathroom thing too. when i have friends over, i sometimes even turn on the t.v. so i cant hear them or they cant hear me...

and dont even get me started on what i feel about girls in the bathroom...this may be a future topic (if not too risque lol), but in my mind, girls dont poop...and no matter what you say, i wont believe you :).

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

one other thought...i had a friend in high school that knew my issues about it, and he would call me every time he went to the drove me absolutely insane. i hung up on him so many times.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

I don't know how anyone could go to the bathroom while on the phone. Yuck. It's like the person is in the room with you! B.t.w., I always use my turn signal. I even use hand signals on the bike. My pet peeve is when people take the elevator to go up or down 1 floor. Give me a break! Get your fat ass up those stairs!

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

i agree about the whole stairs drives me crazy...there is a mall here that has an elevator to go from the bottom level of stores to the food court. i understand if you cant physically walk up there, but how many people use that elevator that could walk the one flight of steps.

FYI...speaking of bikes. thanks again for your blog entry a couple of weeks ago...i have started the shopping process. i mentioned it to a friend of mine. he informed me that he has a road bike that he doesnt use anymore since he bought his mountain bike. he is going to let me use it over the summer, and if it is a good fit for me, sell it to me. i dont know what kind of bike, but he said it was a top end bike when he bought it. i will tell you what kind when i find out, and see if you know anything about them.

At 4:04 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Awesome! You're going to LOVE biking.

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

i think i will...i will keep all posted on what i think about it i am sure.

At 7:17 PM, Blogger erica said...

lol I dont remember that email.. but alrighty lolol

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

I will send to you again sometime next week dear!!

hope you have a great weekend.

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I am writing this message I am sitting in the bathroom dropping some kids off at the pool. Dear Kev, may I call you Kev? I think people should get tickets for not using their turn signal...and for letting their dog run loose...and for talking on their cell in the middle of a store...and for being stupid!

Do you know who I am yet??? I am invading your Blog... And you will never be able to STOP me! *evil laugh!!!


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