Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The mysterious smell...

For the past week the fridge in our office kitchen has gradually been smelling worse and worse. The smell was a mixture between parmesan cheese, belly button and butt (lol)...I know that sounds gross...and it really was getting more gross as the days passed.

The smell was overtaking everything. I put a can of diet coke in there the other day, and that smell had actually invaded the metal of my can. I even felt like the smell had gotten into my clothes when I got my lunch out of there yesterday. The office manager even took the time to clean out the fridge on Friday, but the smell was still there and getting worse.

So I took it upon myself, being the "hero" that I am LOL, to find the source of the smell. I started throwing away everything that it could possible be...and pinpointing the source was hard because everything in there smelled like it at this point.

Finally, after several minutes of searching, I noticed a gallon of milk in the back. As I grabbed it I felt the bloated feeling of a container with bad milk. I knew I had found the source. When I pulled it out I looked at the date...MAY 19TH!!! OMGosh...somehow a gallon jug of milk had stayed in there for almost four months and no one had caught it until yesterday. It was so "chunky" that it didnt really "slosh" so much as stay as a solid at the bottom of the gallon when I picked it up.

I have had a bad experience with spoiled milk before (not at my house, but at a friend's house)...this one may actually be worse. I dont know how long it will take before that smell subsides.


At 12:19 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

Spew!! Milk that expired in May!?!? Yikes! There's another distinct smell...rotten potatoes. I came across a hidden bag of those once in the closet that I had no idea was there, and whew, it was bad. :)

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

How can people let good milk spoil? I drink a gallon a week!

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...


I have smelled rotten potatoes before...and yes they are nasty.


I feel ya...I love milk. I go through a couple of gallons a week actually (between cereal and drinking it with meals).

BTW...it is great to hear from you. I know I havent posted in a while and I havent really commented on your blog in a long while either.

I hope all is well with your apartment and bunnies...and I am sure that you are missing your hubby, but hang in there it wont be too much longer.

Do you have any triathlons/duathlons on the horizon?

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Well, I missed the last triathlon of the season so it will just be 5 and 10Ks until I get to San Diego. I'm still working out though!


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