Thursday, May 19, 2005

Star Wars Review

(there are no details about the movie here)

Wow...I am actually pretty speechless after seeing it last night (those who know me know that is saying quite a bit lol). Even though I have splattered a few superlatives throughout this entry, no amount of superlatives can really capture what I feel about this movie.

The movie as a whole was incredible. The cinematography was a little different than the first two, but it truly added to the movie and made it better, and it also made for an easier transition into the original trilogy (when you see it, let me know if you think it looked more like the original three as it got to the end of the movie). The story line is great, and very easy to follow for even the smallest of Star Wars fans.

I have a theory on all of this though...I feel like this movie was set up for success no matter how you look at it. It is the closing gap...the link in the tie all of the new first episodes into the original trilogy. There are so many questions that have finally been answered after 30 years of wondering, and placed on the big screen for Star Wars fans around the world to see.

If you are not a fan, you should be. Go out and rent the first two and make it into the theatre to see this one before it runs its course. You should really see this one in the theatre.

Interesting statistics for the day...
— 8 pounds: weight of the Chewbacca costume.
— 6: Number of Star Wars movies containing the line, "I have a bad feeling about this."
— 3: Star Wars movies in which C-3-P-O loses a body part.
— 6,598,928: hours computer spent rendering effects for Revenge of the Sith.
— 360: visual effects shots in the original Star Wars ("A New Hope").
— 2,151: visual effects shots in "Revenge of the Sith."
— $13 million: budget of original Star Wars ("A New Hope").
— $113 million: budget of "Revenge of the Sith."

Also, I think this estimate may be a little high though, "according to one analysis it will cost US employers as much as 627 million dollars in lost productivity". They say this is due to people skipping out on work today (the day after the midnight opening). I dont know how close that is to accurate, but I came in a little late, and I am leaving early today, so I fit in that statistic somewhat :).

Any comments on what you think after you see it are appreciated, but please be considerate of those who may read my blog before they see it. Dont give anything away.

I am going to do some work now and try not to fall asleep...I think I may grab a diet coke before I start :)...


At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I am the ONLY lonely person in the world that doesn't like this movie. My poor husband begged me to go watch it but I just can not go. Although I could pig out on popcorn...hmmm!

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

no...there are others out there. i have a couple of friends that have given me a hard time.

i splurged and shared some movie popcorn last night was great. not too much though, i can only imagine how many calories and fat grams were in the straight butter i ate last night.

At 12:17 PM, Blogger Erin Nicole said...

8 hours and counting....tick, tick, the darn 24 clock!

At 12:39 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

I am so exicted already, and this just makes me salivate more! I've spent the last few nights at home catching up on Episode I and II so I'll be primed for today's viewing. Yes, I'm one of those companies losing productivity today. We're shutting down early to go as a team to see the movie. We're tech geeks, and we embrace that. :)

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...


24...another great show. i have seen all that is out on DVD (parents got me season 3 for this past christmas)...yeah, the anticipation didnt really get to me until about two hours before show time last night...then i couldnt wait.

Rose and Erin,

you will both love the movie since you share the same OCDness about life that I do.

This movie is the ultimate closure to all of the openended questions of life...okay maybe not that drastic lol. but it does answer all of the questions you could have about star wars, and it now places Star Wars in a nice and neat and tidy box...which will actually be a box set in several months lol.

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Erin Nicole said...

i love 24...or is it that i love keifer?? either way, i've seen all 4 seasons now in complete as they occurred and that makes me somewhat proud... :)

At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

you should be proud erin, that is definitely a challenge. i wish i could make that kind of commitment to a show lol. i never know what i am going to be doing from week to week, and i cant hold a night open for a show, and i dont have tevo or dvr. i have to remember to set a vcr for csi, and i often forget to do that lol.

i also reference a comment that i have made once before. for me, watching seasons on dvd just makes sense. it saves so much time (w/o commercials), and you can watch them whenever you want or come back to them later if need be.

that website is hilarious!!!

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Erin Nicole said...

very true...but requires money and time to do the renting thing...i'm must better giving up an hour per week rather than 4 hour blocks at a time.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Daniel Taverne said...

Hey there Kevin,

I just wanted to ask you about your intro... Metaphorically, what does it mean to chase rabbits? It sounds kind of like you've been acused of going after hard to get things. Es that what they mean? When I was in grade school in Up-state NY, I had a friend, Jeff Gilmore whos dad became a student at the seminary there in louisville. Jeff was my best friend when I was in 2nd and 3rd grade... I had a crush on his sister Becky too... and they moved away. Their parents didn't believe in letting them watch TV, and their house had an old wood stove for cooking on ... like it was 1870 or something. But, they wwere really good people. Any way when I saw that you were from Louisville, it brought back the memory of jeff moving away. I wish you well in your future and I'm sure God has a wonderful plan for your life.


At 2:29 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

i understand that...but with the week long rentals and no late fees you can actully take about nine days to watch the four hour block of shows :). plus, i usually watch them while i am cleaning the house and stuff too (all about multitasking).

buying whole seasons gets pretty expensive though...if i buy a whole season, it is usually off of ebay.

actually if you go to my very first entry it makes a little more sense, but in a nutshell, chasing rabbits is like all of my little side note comments in a conversation that dont esentially pertain to the heart of the info(most of the time they appear like this when i write, but you cant always have that distinction when you speak lol)

i share the conservative theological views of southern, but i am not anti-t.v. (i even watch 'Friends' which the pres of southern is pretty opposed to lol), but i dont get to watch as much as it appears from my blog.

i try to tape csi each week, and i like to try and watch ncis when it comes on (i am typically home on tuesday nights). i rent alias and 24 and watch them when i can as well.

thanks for the well wishes...feel free to leave comments whenever.


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