Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The O.J., I mean Michael Jackson, Verdict

Okay, I am sure that the blog world in its entirety is probably going to write about Jackson today, even though I like to typically be more creative and not join the bandwagon of the spotlight topics, I feel since I am a child of the 80's, I need to at least share my opinion.

Even though I owned Michael Jackson records and tapes growing up, and I owned the making of Thriller on VHS, and I at one time thought it was cool to wear one glove...when Mike became the freak that he now is, I began to not pay much attention to him.

Due to the media coverage, there is no way to not pay attention to him right now. In fact, I heard that out of the hundreds of potential jurors, there were only two that said they knew nothing about the accusations and the previous court settlement.

My opinion (if you didn't pick it up from my title) is, honestly, I wanted to see him go to jail. I know that I do not have all of the evidence in front of me. I know that it is possible that these families were trying to simply make money. I know that everyone is "innocent until proven guilty". However, Michael Jackson is not right in the head. Seeing what he has done to his skin and face over the past two decades...the fact that these boys were in the situation that they were invited into...the fact that he offered kids alcohol and that they had access to pornography while at his "Neverland" Ranch...the fact that he hung his own child over a balcony...the list just goes on.

I have no idea how in the world he got out of this...I guess if you have enough money, you can buy your way out of any trouble.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger erica said...

I show- people here were shocked too

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Erin Nicole said...

...although the families have not tried to seek money yet...

At 12:46 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

This whole thing is pretty ridiculous....but, great fodder for blogs and comedians....

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

wow...i didnt know how the rest of the world would respond. i know that he still has record breaking sells in most of Europe.

I do think they will probably receive some money before it is all over though...This trial had to take place before the civil suits start...its not over.

yeah...it is pretty crazy. I havent watched regular t.v. in a while (mainly movies and such), but what little t.v. I have caught, all you see is his ugly pale face.

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

I have to say that I don't think the evidence was strong enough against him to send him to jail. He is a freak, and I wouldn't want my children to be near him. But our legal system is set up so that you are innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I think there must have been reasonable doubt. The fact that the family had a history of going after people in the past for money via lawsuits discredited the witnesses. I don't know. It's a toughie. But I'd rather that some guilty go free to avoid putting innocent people in jail. Now O.J., ...well, that's another thing.

At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Micheal beated beated...I know that you don't care...he beated...he beated...

I hate (such a strong word) MJ...he has some serious issues!

At 11:59 PM, Blogger Denny Burk said...

I think you all are very judgmental. Michael Jackson seems like a perfectly normal and well-adjusted fellow, and I can't figure out why everybody wants to persecute him.


P.S. NOT!!!!!!!!!


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