Thursday, June 02, 2005

Life...or something like it...

I am simply in no mood to try and come up with some kind of deep thought/comment provoking topic (although I am happy to see the runaway bride pleaded "no contest" in her court trials...paying money and doing community service...she got off somewhat easy in my opinion). I am also just too stinkin' even though I dont do this much...I am just going to share a brief snippet about what has been going on in my life this week.

I am exhausted today because I am a stinkin' procrastinator, and stinkin' busy. I am teaching tonight, a Bible study that I knew I was teaching about a month ago over Mark 15, and yet I hadnt done much preparation (some reading, but very minimal) at all until yesterday morning. I started working on it yesterday morning at 5:00 before work...went to work...didnt get home from my day until 9:30 last night officially...worked until 12:00 am...started hitting snooze around 4:00 am...worked on it again until I left for work...and now i am leaving work about an hour early to finish before I teach it tonight. I wish that I didnt put things off, but I always do.

I will never forget my greatest "procrastination episode". I once wrote a 20 page paper for a Greek class (covering two verses in Jude and one in 2 Peter) in about 27 straight hours. I got up at 8:00 am the morning before it was due, and worked straight through the night, finishing it up shortly before it was due at 11:00 am the next day. That is with no prior research...i merely had checked out all the sources I needed. So I researched and wrote it all in 27 hours. And for a good bit of time after that, I new the issue inside and out. I would have to go back and read it to share with any depth now.

I really dont mind the marathon papers sometimes. It is kind of a nice jolt to the system. I tend to work better under pressure typically anyway. Furthermore, I discovered that I have inherited this trait/habit from my mom, being somewhat of a perfectionist, if I wrote the paper several days or weeks before it were due, there is quite a possibility that I would rewrite the entire thing before I actually turned it in due to the amount of revision I would probably do to it.

There are many other issues going on in my life that I could write about...and I kind of liked doing this today. You may get more of my life in the future, if this sparks enough commentary...if my life seems to bore you, then you want have to deal with it :).


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