Thursday, June 23, 2005

Healthy Snacking

I am a peanut butter freak!!! I love it. I could truly try it on almost least once. It is great on granola bars, any cookie, added to ice cream, on bagels, on cheese, on pop tarts...the list really goes on. If I had no self control at all, I could literally eat a whole jar in two days. The unfortunate thing with Peanut Butter is that it is high in fat and calories.

Over the past year, as I have lost weight, and changed my lifestyle to a more healthy one, I have done very well at keeping peanut butter out of my house, or at the very least rationing how much I eat in a week. Occasionally I will buy a jar, but always the Natural peanut butter (just peanuts, oil and salt...btw, for those who get the Natural peanut butter, Skippy just started making one that you don't have to stir...the oil isn't settled at the top like others...I got my first jar of it last night, and it is really good). Natural peanut butter taste different than the traditional stuff (Peter Pan is my favorite processed peanut butter)...but if you eat it a few times, then you can find that you actually crave it over the other stuff, and it is better for you. I would rather have Natural peanut butter over the processed stuff now.

Even though I have feared peanut butter in the past, I read an article yesterday that really points out the benefits of the food: Peanut Butter: A Super Sports Food. The author, Nancy Clark, shows that even though a lot of people have the same fears that I do, peanut butter is really not a bad thing. She even recommends getting rid of the energy/protein bars and replacing them with a peanut butter snack. I admit that I am a big fan of certain protein bars (there are a lot out there that are a small step above candy bars...but some are good if you look at the Nutrition facts. Luna Bars, though advertised towards women, are good snacks...I like the ProteinBar brand too), and I doubt that I will stop buying them completely. However, I have now decided to start keeping peanut butter around again, and working it into my daily calories.

As a sidenote, I discovered Sun-Dried apples yesterday fat 110 calories...and it taste like a fruit rollup.

If you have any other good/healthy/nutrition beneficial snack ideas, please share them.


At 5:04 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

My granddaddy almost lived on peanut butter in the latter days of his life, and he lived until almost 90, so I knew it had good value to it!

This isn't really a "healthy" snack, but for those chocolate lovers out there, I've started making my own trail mix out of plain M&Ms, raisins, and peanuts. It's a little healthier than popping a handfull of M&Ms yet you get that chocolate fix.

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Peanut butter is definitely good for you in small amounts. It has healthy fats and helps keep you full. I love eating it with apples.

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

I am glad to hear that there are other PB fans out there. I couldnt imagine being allergic. I dont think I could go on :).

Believe it or not, I actually dont care too much for Reese's cups. I think it is the texture of the peanut butter. I like creamier peanut butter. as far as in the jar, I am not a real big fan of crunchy either.


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