Thursday, August 18, 2005

It has been quite a while...

Man...I didn't realize I had gone almost three weeks since my last entry.

I have had a lot of stuff happen in my life since my last is a little update for those who read my blog to be kept up with my life a bit.

The main thing that has happened was my heart procedure last week. I was unfortunately born with two birth defects in my heart. Of the two, the more significant one at this stage in my life is the Atrial Septum Defect...commonly referred to as an ASD. A way to repair this defect was developed in Minnesota around 2000 or 2001. A team in Minneapolis developed a tiny metal thing called an AMPLATZER® Septal Occluder (you should check it out...its pretty looks like a hamburger bun when its opened up in your heart). At any rate, they put a small hole in my leg...traveled up to my heart...placed the metal thing to fill the hole...and now the defect is closed. I have a tiny metal thing in my heart...beating along with me. After six months, the metal thing will actually be covered by skin, and become a part of my heart. How cool is technology. I was out for a few days last week...and I am unfortunately still limping around some. However, in about three weeks, all restrictions will be lifted. I will be free to continue on, and maybe push myself harder and farther than I ever have in my life. I truly look forward to the next several months...I want to train and run in the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon.

Beyond the heart procedure, school starts this weekend. I am taking a Friday night Saturday morning Hebrew class.

I have also still been very active with church, ministry, work (which has picked up a lot lately) and friends.

I do intend on trying to update my blog more regularly.

Have a great day and a great weekend.


At 12:52 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

Ahh, nice to see a blog entry again....and Kevin's heart is really cool...I got to see it in action - well, I see his real heart in action all the time - but, I got to see it beat on screen, which was the coolest thing ever!

I'm getting the camera ready for your Triple Crown run, Kev!

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Erin Nicole said...

welcome back...glad to hear you're making a full recovery!

i have a new topic i'd love to talk/blog about re: ministry. recently i've been having some problems with the leadership in the church that i attend. at what point should one decide to change congregations due to constant conflict with the teachings/standards set by the leadership? i can go into more detail at some other time, but i thought generically you might have an idea of how to open up discussion about this topic.

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...


without knowing specifically your situation, its hard to know what counsel to offer.

I have dealt with the question of "at what point should someone consider leaving a church?". I have actually gone through that off and on a lot in the past couple of years...not because i had any problems with teaching or standards though.

by broad generic answer, concerning teaching/standards, would be actually another question :) the teaching and standards that they have in place matching up to what the Bible says?...the Bible is where the plumb line is set...and everything else should be measured against that.

Conflict within a congregation isnt good (see I Cor...i am not sure which chapter...there are a couple of places that Paul talks about conflict)...

I would love to continue talking about this...maybe my next entry can hit on this...or if you want me to continue through email with more specifics, you can send me your email address through my handy dandy "email address sender" on the right side of the blog :).

hope this helps.

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

It seems like you're healing well. Remember to take it easy!

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...

Thanks Rachel!


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