Thursday, July 21, 2005

Supersize Me (part 2)

I decided to finally rent the Supersize Me movie a couple of nights ago (I have wanted to for a long time, but never took the time to do it). I highly recommend it to anyone that cares about their health.

Though there was a little bit of "boringness" through a couple of parts (I guess most documentaries have a little bit of "boringness" lol), all in all it was pretty good and very informative.

Throughout the entirety of the movie, the guy points out several statistics about Americans. The statistic that stuck with me the most is the fact that, if current trends continue, one out of every three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes. That is alarming to me. I am diet controlled diabetes, and my blood sugar has been under control for several years now. But when I was diagnosed with it, I read up on it. Plus my mom and grandmother both have it. The effects of developing diabetes can shorten ones life by many years, and the risk of coma or a loss of eyesight at some time in life is high.

Another thing that was alarming was the effect of eating three meals of McDonalds a day on his body. He had several doctors examine him before he began and he was in excellent health. Before it was over, he was having chest pains, his liver was beginning to show signs of damage, his cholesterol skyrocketed and his blood pressure was horrible. The doctors were recommending that he stop before he even finished the 30 days.

If you have not seen this movie, I recommend it.


At 3:49 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

I knew you'd like the movie. First of all, I don't know how anyone could eat that 3 times a day. I may get a hunkering for Mickey D's periodically, but not that often. And, second, after some of those doctors revealed how dangerous he was getting, I don't know that I would have contimued doing it.

At 4:40 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

I really liked the movie but I think it was kind of stupid what he put himiself through. I really like his series "30 days" though.

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...


i agree with the 3 times a day thing...i dont know how anyone could do that either...i too enjoy mcdonalds about once ever 6 or 7 weeks...i think he finished because his desire to do it for 30 days drove him to finish. he wanted to complete what he had started.


what is "30 days"?

At 6:31 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

it's a t.v. show on FX that lasts about an hour. Each week is a different documentary where someone is put in a very different situation to see another culture's point of view. One week, they lived on minimum wage for a month to see what it was like. Another week--this guy took steroids while working out for 30 days to see what the steroids did to his body. Another show was about a Christian guy who had to practice Islam with a mosque in West Virginia for 30 days. I feel like I get something out of each show b/c it makes me think about things a little differently.


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