Thursday, July 21, 2005

Crazy, Busy Life...

I feel like such a bad blogger...I haven't been posting much lately. Its not because I don't want to...I have just been busy. This summer has been a very unique summer for me. I have been even busier than normal...and I have been out of town quite a bit. I have also not been able to have a regular weekly schedule at all, and that has been driving me crazy. And now, I only have a few weeks left before classes start and those few weeks have been fairly booked already.
My work has been really hectic the past couple of weeks, and dealing with being without a computer for a week made me even more tense. And since I only post when I have time here, I just simply have not had any time to post.

Analyzing this summer's events has led me to a question...If I could go back and start this summer over again, what would I do differently? or more correctly, what could I have done to prevent the craziness of this summer from happening? (I don't know if I could have done anything to prevent it actually)

If I could do this summer over again, I would definitely try to plan more down time. In my 10 years of school, I have only taken summer classes once. I have always felt like taking classes during the summer kind of defeated the purpose and allowed no break. For several years of my schooling I have worked 40 hours or more a week even while I am taking classes. The summers allowed me to just focus on work and not school. At this phase of my life, I also know that down time must be a planned keep me from going crazy. The lack of down time this summer has made me somewhat tense.

I also would have read more. I started a book over vacation a few weeks ago, and I still haven't finished it :). It is not from a lack of trying, I have just not had the time.

With summer being 3/4 of the way there anything that you wish you would have done differently or more of?


At 3:48 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

I don't know how I could have done it differently, but I would have liked to have read more books. I love to read, but my schedule doesn't allow for a whole lot. Maybe I'll re-commit to my chapter a night before I go to bed process.

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

I wish I hadn't been so irrational in my expectations to do it all with everything going on in my life. I wish I could just accept that things are crazy and relax more and not feel guilty about it.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...


i might start doing that...a chapter a night before bed wouldnt be too hard, no matter how long it took me to read a book.


i wish i did not stress so much about my busyness too...i am really stressing about the things i have going on in the next few months plus medical bills that are starting to come in. i am not moving twice or anything like that, but once my semester starts, it is going to be hard for me to keep my head above water.


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