Thursday, July 14, 2005

Supersize me or a new "McDonald's-only diet"???

A movie has been out on DVD for quite a while now called "Supersize me". I have not actually seen it, but I have heard that is a documentary of sorts, depicting a man who eats only McDonalds for a month and gains 25 pounds.

A woman in North Carolina challenges the findings in this movie Losing Pounds Under the Golden Arches. She apparently is a busy lady that eats three meals a day at McDonalds. According to the report she has lost 33 lbs after doing this for more than two months.

She is quoted as saying, "I just [stay] anywhere between 1,200 and 1,400 calories a day".

A few thoughts:
1. Of course she is going to lose weight if that is all of the calories she is eating. Her body would burn more calories than that if she were sleeping all day. Honestly, in my plight to lose weight I started with my calorie intake around 1500-1700, but now that I know more, I know that my body needs the nutrition from a diet with more calories than that.
2. There is no way that her body is getting all of the vitamins that it needs strictly from processed, McDonalds fast food.
3. Is she exercising too? Even if her weight is getting better, is she actually getting healthier or just thinner?

Barry Popkin (not to be confused with Mary Poppins) is a "nutritionist at UNC". He actually gives her big props saying, "She's created, for her lifestyle, a very smart diet".

I think this is crazy that a nutritionist is actually condoning this way of losing weight.


At 1:52 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

I recently watched SuperSize Me and it is quite eye-opening. This "Jared of Mickey D's" may be losing weight, but I wonder what a blood test would show. That was the most disturbing part of the SuperSize Me documentary. Secondly, she works construction, so eating that few calories and working that type of work should automatically drop the weight

At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With a lose definition of nutritionist, it could be a custodian who works for the school who just happened to read a book on the subject once...

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Kevin Yates said...


what did the documentary say about the blood work of that guy?



Eddie, funny. Its amazing how loose the def of nutritionist is. you are probably right.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger RosieBoo said...

The blood work on that guy was horrible. His liver was shutting down...his cholesterol was over the top, and he had some chest pains towards the end. The doctor kept telling him to end this barrage of Mickey D's soon before it ended him. You saw the actual medical reports in the doctor's office, so it wasn't complete hype


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